هل وجود غشاء البكاره دائما دليل على العفه والطهاره؟

إن غشاء البكارة : هو عبارة عن نسيج ليفي مطاطي، وهو نتاج التحام الطبقة الخارجية للجسم “الجلد” والطبقة الداخلية “الحشوية”، وهو يقع عند .........

اقوى صور غرائب مضحكه فى العالم

اقوى صور غرائب مضحكه فى العالم , معنا لازم تضحك .........

صور فيفى عبدة فى المستشفى صور فيفى عبدة بدون مكياج..!

دخلت الفنانة فيفى عبده الى المستشفى بعد حدوث نزيف حاد فى المعده لايعلم الاطباء سببة بعد ولكن فيفى عبده قالت بان سبب ............

القذف السريع عند الرجال ..الأسباب والعلاج

القذف المبكر حاله تصيب المتزوجين فقط بمعنى ان شابا يمارس العاده السريه ولاحظ انه يقذف بسرعه لايمكننا ان نقول انه يقذف بسرعه لانه لايوجد زوجه يصيبها ضرر من القذف قبل ان تصل هى ايضا للنشوه .........

طفل يولد بدون قطرة دم في جسمه

أذهل طفل بريطاني الأطباء، بعدما ولد بدون قطرة دم في جسمه، ولم يخفق قلبه طوال 25 دقيقة، ولكنه مع ذلك تخطى الصعاب ونجا، بحسب صحيفة “ذا صن” البريطانية. وأفادت الصحيفة .........

البابا شنودة يرحل عن وطنه الذى سكن داخله

تاريخ الميلاد: الجمعة 3 أغسطس 1923.

تاريخ النياحة: السبت 17 مارس 2012.

مكان الميلاد: قرية سلام بمحافظة أسيوط.

الاسم قبل الرهبنة: نظير جيد روفائيل.

التحق بجامعة فؤاد الأول، في قسم التاريخ، وبدأ بدراسة التاريخ الفرعوني والإسلامي والتاريخ الحديث، وحصل على الليسانس بتقدير (ممتاز) عام 1947.

وفي السنة النهائية بكلية الآداب التحق بالكلية الإكليركية. وبعد حصوله على الليسانس بثلاث سنوات تخرج من الكلية الإكليريكية عمل مدرساً للغة العربية ومدرسا للغة الإنجليزية.

حضر فصولا مسائية في كلية اللاهوت القبطي وكان تلميذاً وأستاذاُ في نفس الكلية في نفس الوقت.

كان يحب الكتابة وخاصة كتابة القصائد الشعرية ولقد كان ولعدة سنوات محررا ثم رئيساً للتحرير في مجلة "مدارس الأحد" وفي الوقت نفسه كان يتابع دراساته العليا في علم الآثار القديمة.
كان من الأشخاص النشطين في الكنيسة وكان خادماً في مدارس الآحاد.

ثم ضباطاً برتبة ملازم بالجيش.

رسم راهباً باسم (انطونيوس السرياني) في يوم السبت 18 يوليو 1954، وقد قال قداسته انه وجد في الرهبنة حياة مليئة بالحرية والنقاء. ومن عام 1956 إلى عام 1962 عاش قداسته حياة الوحدة في مغارة تبعد حوالي 7 أميال عن مبنى الدير مكرسا فيها كل وقته للتأمل و الصلاة.

وبعد سنة من رهبنته تمت سيامته قساً.

أمضى 10 سنوات في الدير دون أن يغادره.

عمل سكرتيراً خاصاً لقداسة البابا كيرلس السادس في عام 1959.

رُسِمَ أسقفاً للمعاهد الدينية والتربية الكنسية، وكان أول أسقف للتعليم المسيحي وعميد الكلية الإكليريكية، وذلك في 30 سبتمبر 1962.

في الثلاثاء 9 مارس 1971 أجريت انتخابات البابا الجديد في الأربعاء 13 أكتوبر. ثم جاء حفل تتويج البابا (شنودة) للجلوس على كرسي البابوية في الكاتدرائية المرقسية الكبرى بالقاهرة في 14 نوفمبر 1971 وبذلك أصبح البابا رقم (117) في تاريخ البطاركة.

في عهد قداسته تمت سيامة أكثر من 100 أسقف وأسقف عام؛ بما في ذلك أول أسقف للشباب، أكثر من 400 كاهن وعدد غير محدود من الشمامسة في القاهرة والإسكندرية وكنائس المهجر.

أولى قداسته اهتماما خاصا لخدمة المرأة في الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية.

بالرغم من مسؤوليات قداسته العديدة والمتنوعة إلا أنه يحاول دائماً قضاء ثلاثة أيام أسبوعياً في الدير، وحب قداسته لحياة الرهبنة أدى إلى انتعاشها في الكنيسة القبطية حيث تم في عهده سيامة المئات من الرهبان والراهبات..  وكان أول بطريرك يقوم بإنشاء العديد من الأديرة القبطية خارج جمهورية مصر العربية وأعاد تعمير عدد كبير من الأديرة التي اندثرت.

في عهده زادت الابارشيات كما تم إنشاء عدد كبير من الكنائس سواء داخل أو خارج جمهورية مصر العربية، وانتقلت الكنيسة القبطية من المحلية إلى العالمية..

إلى أن تولى الرئيس السابق حسني مبارك مقاليد الرئاسة وقام في 1982 بالإفراج عن المعتقليين الذين قام سلفه السادات باعتقالهم وقابل بعضهم وكان على رأس هذا البعض "البابا شنودة"، ومن هذا اللقاء بدا واضحا أن سياسة الرئيس السابق تتجنب الصدام بأي شكل من الأشكال مع الأقباط خاصة وبوصفه كان مقربا من الرئيس "السادات" بحكم منصبه كنائب له.

وطوال فترة حكم مبارك لم يخرج من البابا لفظ واحد ضد النظام أو الدولة ولا حتى ضد أي من ممثليه كوزراء أو مسئولين حكوميين، رغم أن فترة التسعينيات وبدايات الألفية الثانية شهدت العديد من الحوادث التي تصنف على أنها الطائفية بين المسلمين والمسيحيين الملتهبة متنوعة ما بين الاختلاف على بناء كنيسة وفي كل مرة اختار البابا الصمت أو الاعتراض بالاعتزال في ديرالأنبا بيشوي بوادي النطرون.

وعن رحلته مع المرض .. فطوال 80 عاماً، من عمر البابا شنودة، لم يعان البابا من أى مرض مزمن، سوى أعراض السن والشيخوخة ولعل المرض الوحيد الذى عانى منه البابا منذ عشرات السنين، هو آلام الظهر، وهى الآلام التي تلازمه منذ عام ،1961 قبل رسامته أسقفاً بعام واحد إلا إنه فى الفترة الأخيرة عانى من  من أمراض مزمنة مثل الفشل الكلوي وأورام  بالرئة كانت تدفعه إلى الذهاب فى رحلات علاجية عديدة بالخارج .

إلا أن البابا ظل صامدا فى  أيامه الأخيرة  وحتى بعد إجراء عملية جراحية بالعمود الفقرى أصر على إلقاء عظته الأسبوعية من على كرسى متحرك وسط دموع الأقباط داخل الكنيسة لتودع روحه العالم اليوم بعد حياة طويلة وحافلة بمواقف البطولة والعطاء.  

Saint Petersburg, Russia • 360° Aerial Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
Saint Petersburg, Russia - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
Saint Petersburg, Russia - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

St. Petersburg is a city built on orders. Once having chosen the most convenient place where from it would be easy to threaten the Swedes, Peter I ordered and the construction started. In the history there aren't so many cities which were built in short terms at sovereign's command, but those are even less which could save their architectural aspect through ages.
St. Petersburg was lucky: its buildings had been created before 1917, has almost completely been saved and now they are about 18 thousand. Due to that fact the center of the city represents a harmonic architectural ensemble as well as it has another very special detail which is a scope and plenty of water (10% from the total area!) that make St. Petersburg unlike other cities of the world.
Another zest isn't so good - it is a legendary constant bad weather. The reason is still the same - water with its numerous local rivers both natural and artificial as well as bogs and lakes.  The main arctic front also plays its role giving rise to the cyclones: a warm air mass of the middle latitude collides with a cold air mass of the high latitudes. These cyclones often affect St. Petersburg bringing floods, strong winds and gloomy clouds when it rains cats and dogs.
Our team of photographers was waiting for a sunny day in St. Petersburg so long that we could write a story about this. But, it seems to me, that it's better to say a few words about this beautiful city.
Both panoramas were shot over the Neva's area of water. There are the most outstanding monuments of St. Petersburg. One of the first city's buildings is the Peter and Paul Fortress (Night Flight panorama). Its foundations were laid on May 16 (27), 1703. More probably, the Swedes were so frightened by the fact of the construction that the fortress didn't serve as a defensive bastion. The Peter and Paul Fortress has never been used with its direct purpose but many years it was a sign building for "whenever an opportunity presents itself" and after the revolution it functioned as a jail for political prisoners.
In 1925 Leningrad Council resolved to destroy the fortress and to build a stadium instead. Fortunately, this resolution was cancelled. Now on the territory of the fortress there are a lot of museums, cafes, concert grounds including the Mint.
Besides, the highest Russian cathedral is that of Peter and Paul. The height of its belfry with a golden spire ended with the figure of a flying angel is 122.5 meters. Also there is a burial vault of the Romanov's royal dynasty. And daily at midday a signal gun shoots there. Its sound is so loud that it's better to be away from the fortress's walls at that moment. It is perfectly heard all around the center of the city.
Both panoramas demonstrate the Trinity Bridge (to the left from the Peter and Paul Fortress) which is the most beautiful bridges of St. Petersburg. There is a legend that in the middle of the 20's the soviet test pilot Valery Chkalov realized his famous flight by Hydro-plane Sh-2 exactly under this bridge. He was inspired to do that by his French colleague who could fly under the Eifel Tower for the considerable sum of money. But in Soviet Russia the only prize for Chkalov wbecame a guardroom and hooligan's fame.
The Spit of Vasilievsky Island (Morning Flight panorama) has been a cultural and business center of the city still from the age of Peter I. In the 1720's the foundation of the Kunstcamera (it was the first Russian museum) was laid there. Then the port, bourse, customs and warehouses were moved there. The palaces and educational institutions were also built there. In 1810 the Spit was decorated by two Rostral Columns. One of them served as a lighthouse for the vessels on the Malaya Neva, another one showed the way to the Bolshaya Neva. It was necessary to move the river by 100 meters for them. Now they are monuments of Russian Navy Glory and used only during the festivals: these days their lights are on.
Telling about the lights, the first Russian experience of a street electric lightning was held particularly in St. Petersburg: in 1879 the Liteyny Bridge was lightened (it is the last from the left bridges in Evening panorama).
In both panoramas more or less the Winter Palace and Palace Square are seen. In the palace, where the tsars killed time of St. Petersburg endless winters, now there is the biggest world museum, the Hermitage, situated. In its collection there are about 3 million museum pieces. It would take someone 8 years to revise the museum pieces if to look at one museum piece at least one minute. Besides, to look through all the museum pieces it would need to walk the distance of 20 kilometers.
Palace Square is decorated with the Alexander Column. It is a unique monument of 47.5 meters height and its weight is about 700 tons. It is the highest monument in the world made of the whole granite. The column isn't fixed with anything and stands on the pedestal only under its weight. It is said that inhabitants of the city were afraid of walking nearby because they were frightened that the column would fall. The monument's author, Auguste de Montferrand, had to walk near the column daily to ensure its safety.
To the right from the Hermitage, along the riverfront, there is a splendid complex of buildings of the Russian Admiralty. The height of its spire is 72 meters. A ship-weathercock on the spire's pick weights 65 kilograms and it's covered with 2 kilograms of gold. Probably, these two kilograms of the precious metal so much worry the inhabitants of St. Petersburg that they make up another legend of the city. It seems to them that inside the gilt ball on the Admiralty's spire there is a hidden golden moneybox where the samples of all the golden coins issued from the day of St. Petersburg foundation are kept. Also, in the prow of the ship-weathercock the personal casket of Peter I can be found.
The casket in the ball really exists. However, there is no gold but the message about the works of spire and ship renovation for all the time that the building stands, as well as about the people who made such works. At the same time, the moneybox is still not found.
By the way, many people suggest for mistake that Saint Petersburg is named in the honor of its founder who was Peter I. But it isn't so: the city is named in the honor of the first Russian imperator's heaven protector - apostle Peter. But does it matter much? We invite you to admire the sights of the wonderful city from the bird's eye view.

Being a Sandwich • 360° Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
Being a Sandwich - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
low resolution available soonlow resolution available soon

Golden Eagles fly to Moscow • 360° Aerial Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
Golden Eagles fly to Moscow - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
Golden Eagles fly to Moscow - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

Golden Eagles fly to Moscow.

History of this panorama.

We have been dealing with panorama shooting for 6 years already. Over this period, we have shot many interesting world cities: New York, Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Miami, Las Vegas, Rio de Janeiro, Dubai, Los Angeles, etc. However, despite our greatest efforts, we haven’t still managed to shoot Moscow — the city, where we live. The thing is that flights over Moscow are prohibited, except for rescue and police helicopters.

However, we found this opportunity in the Spring of 2010.

It all began with the military fly-past over Moscow.

In May, we managed to get on board of a helicopter, which flew over the city during the military fly-past rehearsal dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of the Great Victory. While following its route, the helicopter flew over Red Square and we got a chance to do a unique shooting session over the Kremlin. 

Shooting conditions were extremely difficult: the helicopter flies over Red Square in 5 seconds at 250 km/h; no one in the world has ever done a spherical panorama shooting in such conditions per one flight over the shooting point.

Although we had not enough time to arrange for new equipment, we developed our shooting technique in order to get what we needed and trained to shoot this way from a balcony imagining ourselves on the board of a helicopter flying over Red Square. :)

Unfortunately shooting conditions in the helicopter cabin turned out to be even more difficult than I had expected, and when we took off, I decided to refuse an idea of shooting a spherical panorama in Moscow over the Kremlin, since there was a high risk just to spoil it all. Even now, when we learned how to do this, I’m not sure, whether we would have managed to do what we wanted those days.

So when flying over Moscow, we decided to do just an ordinary traditional shooting session. After all, and first of all, we are photographers and then panoramers. :) Finally, one of the photos taken by my workmate Sergey Semenov and showing the Golden Eagles flying over Red Square attracted lots of interest of viewers and for about a month was among top photos at Photosight.ru — one of the most popular Russian photo resources.

However, when flying back from Moscow to the helicopter base, we had some free time, and I decided to try the spherical panorama shooting from the moving helicopter.

We made about two dozens of trials using various techniques and finally managed to stitch one of the panoramas. Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy, and the landscape we were flying over was not much interesting, that’s why the panorama itself does not have any art value. However, in technical terms, this panorama became our great success, and we’re proud of these results. You may read a story about the shooting of this panorama at our website here.

To view this panorama in original size, please go here.

The Twelve Apostles, Australia • 360° Aerial Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
The Twelve Apostles, Australia - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
The Twelve Apostles, Australia - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

The Twelve Apostles stacks located on the South of Australia not far from Melbourne is the second most known symbol of Green Continent after the Opera House in Sydney. Beautiful cliffs, arches, harbors, bays and grottos, all of them attract thousands of people. In fact, the Twelve Apostles are twelve stacks in a coastal zone. Unfortunately, one of the most beautiful sea shores yearly loses its symbols. The sea feels no mercy towards the stacks wearing away soft limestone. The Apostles haven't been twelve yet for a long time and one of them has recently come down. Nowadays, only eight stacks let tourists and photographers admire them.
The other places of interest of the national park are going through unlucky streak too. The stack named London Bridge was partly destroyed several years ago. Before, at a height of 30 meters it was possible to go along the natural bridge to a separate cliff and in a full pacification admire the sunset's beauty. It was a lucky occasion that there were no victims when the stack fell. At that time two tourists admired the sunset there. I'm not sure that peace was in their souls that moment but they had got plenty of time to enjoy the wild beauty... till a rescue helicopter appeared.
Two years ago Island Archway, which is one of the most beautiful arches in the national park, came down. As a result, the access to many interesting observation areas located on the brink of a precipices was completely denied. New paths, which are enclosed and situated in the safest but not very attractive places for photographers, are controlled by the park's rangers. If you jump over a small fence you must pay $300 penalty. And during this difficult time for the national park I had an ability not only to arrive in Australia but also visit the rest beautiful places of the Twelve Apostles national park.
Despite all the problems and restrictions my expectations came true. Having arrived at night, I enjoyed the star sky on the beach Gibson Steps which is one of the few picturesque places of the park opened for visits without any restrictions. Having successfully finished a night shooting, I began to prepare for a panoramic helicopter shooting. It was my first independent flight when I was completely responsible for the panoramas' quality and, as a consequence, I was a little bit nervous. The process of preparation was successful enough, I revised all the necessary adjustments and I thought that I had completely prepared the equipment for the future shooting. As a pilot required I had to leave my backpack with other equipment on the ground. Although the weather wasn't the best one, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and I took off with pleasant anticipation. My soul sang. Unfortunately, every song has its end. Having taken the first shots, I understood that the camera didn't function anymore. When I was preparing for the helicopter shooting I just forgot to change the accumulator and after the night shooting the battery was low. That would be the end of my first independent flight unless a miracle happened. I was lucky in finding a spare battery. A brain storm helped me to remember the moment when at night on the sea shore, I don't know why and how, but, I put the spare accumulator in a pocket. Finally, I was lucky in finding it right in the pocket...
Having finished the morning shooting with still good but boring weather I appointed one more flight in the evening. Moreover, the local thunder storms were forecasted. And Australian weather forecasters said the truth. Just after midday the sky was full of clouds and the lightning appeared this or that side but it rained from time to time and I hoped to have a good chance for a nice evening. Having waited for a suitable clear space in the sky sitting in the helicopter cabin more than one hour, we finally flew up. I didn't succeed in shooting either lightning or rainbow during the flight but there were heavy clouds in the sky which were lightened by the evening sun. The limestone stacks were also brightly illuminated. It just was a beautiful state of nature. And I really hope I've succeeded in show you at least a small part of this beauty.

St-Petersburg, Virtual Tour • 360° Aerial Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
St-Petersburg, Virtual Tour - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
St-Petersburg, Virtual Tour - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

We had been preparing for the shooting in St. Petersburg about a year. As early as summer of 2009 I was told that the helicopter excursion tours over the city in St. Petersburg were realized. I easily found the telephone numbers in the Internet and called there one day later.
For a long time we had been testing the equipment, preparing documents, adjusting permits, making contacts with the helicopter operators and, finally, one of our fellows - Dmitry Moiseenko - left for St. Petersburg for a test shooting. Unfortunately, it was raining and he just flew from The Peter and Paul Fortress to Pulkovo Airport. To realize the second test shooting, another photographer - Sergey Semenov - set off. In the beginning it just was dull but later the rain began again. But that time Sergey reached to make several panoramas over a take-off strip.
After that situation I understood that going that way we hardly would finish the shooting soon and decided to phone to a photographer whom I knew and who lived in St. Petersburg in order to find out what was the weather like there. "We are not lucky with sunny days", - I briskly said to the photographer by phone. "Shall we arrive in St. Petersburg and stay at a hotel and just wait when a sunny day comes?"
He answered gloomily: "I'm not sure this is the right way. In this case you may stay at the hotel a couple of months."
I was puzzled. We were not going to stay at the hotel for the couple of months. Then, we decided to conquer St. Petersburg by ruse.
We agreed with the helicopter operators as well as with a couple of our friends and the people whom we knew and who lived in St. Petersburg on as soon as the weather became better there, they would phone us in Moscow and we would take fast all we needed and would immediately leave. Nearly a week later in the morning the first phone call was received. "There is the sun outside our window and, if you hurry up and arrive before lunch time, you can shoot because the rain is forecasted in the afternoon."
But it was impossible because we needed a half of day just to get to St. Petersburg and another half of day to arrange the flight and shooting. We needed the whole day, the whole sunny day. And this is too much for ST. Petersburg! We had been packed and ready to go but we had to wait. The friends made a couple of calls but every time could offer only a half of day and that wasn't satisfied us.
One day, a month later, we were phoned by everyone all together: by friends, people whom we knew and even helicopter operators. "Today is still dripping from the sky but tomorrow... tomorrow you will be happy! Harry up!"
And we got off with a jerk. We had nearly missed our plane. Having come rushing into the check-in area of Vnukovo Airport 35 minutes before the take-off, we knew that there was no way to get tickets for the last plane to St. Petersburg. However, it took us five minutes of negotiations directly with the representative of the UTair Company (we are very grateful to him for that) to get boarding passes with no sits. But our troubles hadn't finished then. We had got two two-meter bars and a bag with different metal things weighted about twenty kilos. And it was important for us to take all those goods in a hand luggage. Widely opened eyes of the security men who were checking the hand luggage didn't show us anything good. And only the personal charm of Sergey Semenov let us not only to pass through the metal detector but also to convince the stewardesses to hide our equipment in their service cabinet on board.
As a result, in the evening we happily and safely arrived in St. Petersburg, slept a night and took a helicopter in the morning. The weather was amazing and it seemed to us that it would always be the same.
We successfully shot and landed near the Peter and Paul Fortress. Our colleagues-photographers were coming there too. They were going to shoot from a huge dirigible named Megaphone. They began to unpack the equipment and prepare the dirigible for the flight. They had been waiting for a good weather more than a month too and that moment they were preparing for the shooting and hoped to compensate the time lost. There were the operators from the First Russian TV-Channel and some other people from television.
By the afternoon we had decided to fly once again because very beautiful small clouds appeared in the sky and the helicopter stood right near us. We flew up again, shot about half an hour and came back to the Peter and Paul Fortress. And there was something unusual in the sky! From the side of the Gulf of Finland a huge cloud was coming closer and closer. It had already covered a half of the city when the second part was shown by the bright sun. The city was divided into two parts like with a front line. The wind rose.
We were landing when the people with the dirigible were finishing their preparations for the flight, but we definitely knew that they wouldn't be able to fly up that day.
That evening we left St. Petersburg accompanying with the sounds of thunder. The big rain drops were pattering on the train's windows but we were not upset anymore - our work had been done. A year of preparation, a month and a half of waiting for a good weather and an hour and a half of the flight over one of the most beautiful cities in Russia - all those were in past.
That was the way how we realized our virtual tour shooting over St. Petersburg.

Moscow State University • 360° Aerial Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
Moscow State University - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
Moscow State University - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

The shooting of Moscow State University (MSU) was made with a radio controlled helicopter at dawn. We asked to bring us coffee at a café near the ski jump. While our coffee was being prepared we programmed the viewpoints, which coordinates had been transferred from Google maps, in the helicopter's memory. We hadn't even drink coffee when the helicopter flew back with the photos taken. The coprocessor Nvidia Tegra 600 had been integrated into the helicopter which was automatically stitching the panoramas in order not to waste time while the helicopter was moving between the viewpoints. This idea was created by Sergey Semenov who used to stitch them by himself with an iPad for a long period of time :)
Radio Controlled by Stas Sedov.
 Photo by Sergey Semenov. 

And now, several historical facts... 
The main building of Moscow State University is not only one of the most famous Moscow buildings but also the biggest Stalin style high-rise building in the capital city. Moreover, 37 years long it had been the highest building in Europe till 1990, when in Frankfurt the MesseTurm skyscraper was built.
The main university building was being built since 1948 till 1953, it is 182 m high and its spire is 240 m high. The weight of the star on the spire is only 12 tons! The entrance to the top is opened and everyone can climb there and observe the Luzhniki, parks, arboretum, fountains and new MSU's library. 
The complex on the Sparrow Hills is a part of Stalin Style High-Rise Buildings grandiose project. Their construction itself was devoted to demonstrate the power of the young state-winner which was developing skyscrapers' construction more efficiently than even most Western countries.  The fact is that in 1940-s there were no high buildings in Moscow: the capital could afford to build only objects with a few floors and the only high buildings were the bell tower named after Ivan the Great and Moskva hotel... 

By the way, initially the spire wasn't in the plan of construction. According to the creative idea, on the top of the main university building had to be put the statue of M.V. Lomonosov. Those days, when the architectures showed the drawings to Stalin and hinted at the statue would have a portrait likeness to the leader; Stalin refused that idea having insisted on the spire along with the other high-rise buildings which were being constructed those years in Moscow. As a result, a splendid architectural complex including seven identical towers appeared in the capital. They were also called Seven Sisters

Every high-rise building has its own function: some of them serve as apartment houses and hotels, others - as ministries. As for the university tower, there are Geological and Geographical Faculties as well as the Faculty of Mechanics&Mathematics, administration, library, assembly hall and recreation center.  The biggest Moscow clocks are on the tower of MSU's main building. Their minute hand is 4.1 meters long and weight is 39 kilograms!
Many students and lecturers can share the legends about the main building of MSU.  Most people say that many times they have seen ghosts there. They say that there are caves under the building and their depth equals the height of the building. The suggestions about what is located under the ground differ. From one point of view, there are secret laboratories. The second suggestion is that there is a landing site for airplanes. The third opinion supposes that there is a space ship. According to the forth idea, there is exactly that giant statue of Stalin-Lomonosov made of pure gold...
In order the huge MSU's building can safely stands on unstable ground the great foundation pit was dug for the base.  Then that foundation pit was filled with liquid nitrogen and the refrigerators were put there and then the building itself was built. If the refrigerators are off, this masterpiece of Stalin style architecture will flow away into the Moskva River. In the 70-s there was an accident on the fridge station: the energy power system had been turned off. The building began to crack because of partial unfreezing. The repair men signed the confidentiality of data. 
The secrecy of those constrictions is so big that since the day of their foundation they have been under control of special agencies: first, under control of the 15-th department of the CSS (KGB) and now - under control of the special "underground" department of the FSS (FSB). The place where the refrigerators are located is called the Third Basement because there are two more basements above it. The third basement of MSU is connected with an underground city Ramenki and "government" underground station Metro-2 which is the part of the alternative underground system built in the times of Stalin with the purpose of government emergency evacuation.  Four fountains which are situated close to Lomonosov's monument are airshaft of that secret underground line.
They say that in Soviet times above the 32-nd floor the officers of the CSS worked there.  What kind of work did they do? The answer was unknown even for MSU's rector. They also say that the spire itself and star were built in the manner of anti-aircraft guns convenient allocation during a war. Meanwhile, now there is nothing but star's base, spiral stairs and webs.  
And even the question about the number of the floors is still indefinite. Some sources say that there are 36, another - 37!  But in spite unknown number of the floors, it is absolutely right that on the last floor, under the spire with golden star there is MSU's Museum of Earth Science. The famous traveler Sergey Dolya, having visited this science temple, published an interesting photo-reportage (http://sergeydolya.livejournal.com/62011.html) which shows us the museum's interiors and views from above. In our opinion, it nicely accompanies our panoramas (may be, vice versa :)).
 Here they are the links to other our aerial Moscow panoramas:
1) Virtual tour over Moscow Encircling Highway: MEH and Interchanges
2) Yauza, Ramenki, Southern Port
3) In May 2010 near the Crocus-City the first in the world 1 gig pixel panorama was shot from the helicopter. It shows the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Novodevichiy Convent, the TV Tower of Ostankino and many other places of interest.
4) This sphere shot from the height of 1000 m which shows most part of Moscow and regions.  
5) This spring we have shot the panorama of Novodevichiy Convent
6) The same period the shooting over Bolotnaya Square has been realized (Photos by Dmitriy Chistoprudov, radio control by Stanislav Sedov)
7) It is worth to view one of the photos by Sergey Semenov devoted to the rehearsal of the Victory Parade of May 9. 
It had success on the exhibition World Seen by the Russians held in Moscow, on Tverskoy Boulevard in May-June 2011.  AirPano's participants areOleg GaponyukMike Reyfman and Sergey Semenov.  Besides, one of the exhibition's participants is the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Now the exhibition has left for St. Petersburg.

Underwater Shooting on the Maldives. Coral reefs • 360° Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
Underwater Shooting on the Maldives. Coral reefs - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
Underwater Shooting on the Maldives. Coral reefs - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

Shooting Details. Maldives
This sphere shooting story began many-many years ago, about 10 years earlier, when I had got an idea to go in for diving. To realize this I had to attend the courses held in the 6 meters deep swimming pool of Olympiyskiy Sport Complex.
It was an ordinary education except of one curious occurrence which I still remember. During one of the last studies we were practicing the skill how to help another diver breathe when the oxygen in his/her cylinder has been finished. According to the instructions this diver turns to his partner in pair - baddy. It is required that the divers-beginners dive together for the purpose of security. So, the first diver turns to his partner and shows with a special sign that he needs to breathe, then the baddy shows another sign OK and after that both divers breathe using one hose one after another and, in general, it's not difficult. Perhaps, this hose is named with a special term but 10 years passed by and I forgot it, well, I'll name it as a hose.
So, we swam in a circle in the swimming-pool, showed the signs in turns one another and breathed from the hose of a partner. It was funny! Then the process became boring and we did anything we were able to. So, I was swimming and didn't disturb anyone and suddenly saw the following strange situation. My baddy, Alex, who was gamboled with somebody in the other corner of the swimming-pool, in a moment turned and accelerating began to swim faster to me simultaneously  swinging his arms. First, I laughed at the manner he was swinging the arms but then, when he became closer, I was surprised by his big eyes. The further events lasted a couple of seconds. Having become closer, without any doubt Alex pulled out, I'd even say the he rooted out the hose together with the mouthpiece from my mouth. He did it so sharply that I wonder why my teeth were not pulled out...May be the reason is that I just opened the mouth being shocked and extremely surprised by the things were happening. Without any delay Alex put my mouthpiece into his mouth and began to breathe feverishly. It was evident that he needs it right now and he likes my air very much. Some time ago, when I remembered that it would be good if I breathe, it wasn't a simplest thing to take my hose back from him.
In general, the reason was that the instructor who saw that my baddy had relaxed his vigilance and had left his partner, he (the instructor) swam up to him from the back side and turned off the valve of the cylinder which allows air goes inside the hose to the diver. When Alex decided to breathe a portion of fresh air once again he understood that there was no more air. However, instead he should ask to breathe using a hose of a neighbor, he decided to come back to his baddy and strictly follow the instructions. But when he had swum up to me, Alex completely forgot about the signs interchange and as a result he just pulled out the hose from my mouth. And then the instructor came swimming, shook his finger at Alex and turned on the valve.
That was the beginning :) well, I've been distracted from the photo and next time, when we expose a new underwater panorama, I'll continue telling you the story of this sphere shooting.

St.Moritz, Swiss Alpes, Virtual Tour • 360° Aerial Panorama حصريآ: شاهد جميع مدن العالم 3D من كل الزوايا

This panorama can be opened in two different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.
St.Moritz, Swiss Alpes, Virtual Tour - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldhigh resolution 
St.Moritz, Swiss Alpes, Virtual Tour - AirPano.com • 360 Degree Aerial Panorama • 3D Virtual Tours Around the Worldlow resolution
This Virtual Tour is also available in the following formats:    -  iPhone    -  iPad   

Swiss Saint Moritz is right considered to be a king of the alpine ski resorts. Aristocratic, cosmopolitan and respectable are the definitions of Saint Moritz that is favorite leisure place of the royal dynasties members, billionaires, politicians and show-business stars. 
Saint Moritz (panoramas No.3 and No.9) is situated on the banks of the same named lake, in the region of Engadin in Graubünden canton at a height of 1856 meters above the sea level. Today the settlement itself counts 5600 inhabitants and in the height of the season there are 3000 touristic service employees and thousands of tourists more. There are good conditions for experienced downhill skiers: 36 "black" skiing tracks and 136 "red" skiing tracks; and many opportunities for snowboarders, amateurs of plain skiing and skating. The total longitude of the regional downhill skiing tracks is 350 km and plain skiing tracks is 150 km.
There is an opinion, that Saint Moritz is the "lightest" Swiss resort. There are 322 sunny days a year. That is why there is no lack in tourists after the ski season is over: in summer, late spring and early autumn. When it is warm tourists are interested in sail, walk and bikes enjoying astounding views, thermal waters and elite leisure service.
Right from Saint Moritz it's possible to go up by the cog railway at a height of 2486 meters (Corviglia station, panorama No.8). In the same panorama can be viewed Piz Noir (the height is 3057 meters). The experienced downhill skiers like it for its steep track of an upper level of complexity.
Several comfortable downhill ski regions are closed to Corviglia and one of them is Piz Corvatsch (3451 meters, panorama No.1). It is one of the most beautiful places for the skiing and the going down from the peak is on a glacier.
Piz Bernina (panorama No.2) rises 4048 meters above the sea level and this makes it the highest point of the Eastern Alps. And at a height of 3600 meters there is a mountain hut Mark and Rose was found as a key point for rest of alpinists. They usually go down there in the end of the route. In spite of its abounded view, the hut is a place of a really civilized rest. There is a maintenance staff all the time and it serves all the travelers independently on the hut's fullness. And another thing that the comfortable rooms may be reserved and then you will rest in an unheated shed on the simple beds.
On the South-West of Graubünden canton there is a wonderful Alpine valley Bregaglia. Nowadays Italy owns its bottom and Switzerland owns it top where artificial Lake Albigna is located. It was created in 1959 for the hydroelectric power plants functioning. Among the snow-capped peaks a wall of weir unexpectedly appears and then - the same idyllic sceneries of Switzerland with its toy houses and great mountain masses. This scenery can be viewed in panoramas No.4 and No.5.
In the sixth panorama there are two highland lakes: Silvaplauna and Silsersee as well as surrounding villages. Thanks for the stable winds, blowing from Maloja Pass, Silvaplauna Lake is popular among amateurs of windsurfing, kites and yachtsmen. And in the beginning of XIX century in one of the local villages a famous German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was living during 7 years. He walked so frequently along the bank of Silvaplauna Lake enjoying surrounding unearthly beauty that in its honor now there is a memorial tablet on the bank of the lake.
In the Engadin Valley, 5 km far from Saint Moritz, at a height of 1797 meters above the sea level there is a small airport (with one takeoff and landing strip) - Samedan - the most high located European airport. Before the regular flights were realized but now because of the frequent catastrophes they are cancelled. But it's still possible to arrive in Samedan: by private jet. Because of the rarefied air, especially in summer, it's hard for the low-powered light helicopters, which has arrived from the plain, to take off in Samedan and go back. When there is much weight or full of fuel tanks, a helicopter has to fly not vertically up, as usually, but in an airplane manner: drive a takeoff strip, making speed higher and speeding up gradually, then take off and begin to ascend.
The thing is a normal cargo weight at a usual height on the plain becomes extra heavy in the conditions of rarefied highland air; and there is lack of a helicopter engine lifting force to fly vertically.
You can view Samedan Airport in panorama No.7.